FLATE – Engineering Technology Degree Finder
- Associate in Science Degree (A.S) in Engineering Technology
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Engineering Technology Support Specialist
- Pneumatic, Hydraulics & Motors for Manufacturing
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Contact Information:
Website: Visit Chipola’s Website
Contact: Darwin Gilmore
Email: gilmored@chipola.edu
Phone: 850-718-2270
Download Complete ET degree program offerings
Program Description:
The Engineering Technology (ET) Associate in Science (A.S.) degree program at Chipola College (CC), prepares students for employment or provides additional training for persons employed in manufacturing and high technology industries. The 18 credit hour technical core of this degree is closely aligned with the national Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) Certified Production Technician (CPT) industry certification, and endorsed by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM). Students who have already earned the MSSC-CPT will receive 15 articulated credit hours towards the Engineering Technology degree. The Engineering Technology Associate in Science degree program is fully transferable to four year degree granting institutions.
Engineering Technology Labs at CC:
The Engineering Technology lab at Chipola College contains all new, state-of-the-art equipment and training systems from companies including Rockwell Automation, Siemens, National Instruments, Fanuc, and Amatrol. Labs included in the program include electronics, mechanical drives, rigging, PLCs, motor control, AC drives, control panel wiring, process control, hydraulics, pneumatics, vibration analysis, data acquisition, and mechatronics. Students are taught the basics of each topic and then expand into troubleshooting, system design, and programming in both ladder logic and LabVIEW languages. Portable tablet computers and eLearning are utilized to enable students to easily port their skills from the classroom to the lab.
Lab Photos
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Local Employers
- Rex Lumber
- Homesource International
- Enviva
- Spanish Trail
- Automated Control Systems
- Manown Engineering
- Michelin
- WestPoint Home